7 reasons why you must use Google Analytics
Any digital marketer worth her salt would know what Google Analytics (GA) is and how it becomes useful for finding information on a business’ website visitors.
However, if you are a business owner and you don’t have Google Analytics added to your website, then this piece intends to show you how important it is to have GA code added to the pages of your website.
Google Analytics is the most popular tool used to gather information on your website visitors and this data helps you to make informed business decisions.
Therefore if you are a website owner, you must have Google Analytics code added to all pages of the website.
The following are some of the uses of Google Analytics.
1. Track data on how your visitors find your website – There are millions of websites in the world and in your industry, there may be many websites that compete with you to gain the attention of your potential visitors.
Google Analytics will tell you from which all sources you got visitors to your website.

It has a separate section called Acquisition, dedicated to gathering information on from where you got your website visitors.
Analytics will track how many visitors landed on your site after clicking a link in search engines results page, how many people landed on the website by directly typing the URL of the website, how many people landed on the website from the links shared in social media sites etc.
2. Track how your visitors interact with your website – How easy the visitors are finding it to interact with your website, are they coming back to your website, are there pages where visitors come often and are there pages that visitors don’t come at all?
These are all important considerations for a website owner and the answers to those questions will determine his future course of action.
A separate section in GA called Behavior will help you find answers to all the above questions.
It would help you understand the changes you need to make in the website design and content to attract and retain visitors on your website.
3. Track the type of visitors coming to your website – GA will give you data on the type of visitors to your website in terms of their demographics, geography, interest groups, etc.
It will also help you track the instruments through which they are viewing your website like whether it is through a desktop or a mobile device.
Which browser are these visitors using to visit your website? Which operating system do they use? You can also find answers to these questions from GA.
If your visitors are getting different experiences in different instruments, browsers or OS, then you might be losing some visitors.
Data from analytics will help you in identifying and then rectifying issues that users may be facing in these different instruments or browsers.
4. Track the most popular pages of your website – From the Behavior section of GA, you can find your data about the most popular pages of your website.

You can make use of this data to identify pages that do more to achieve your business goals.
At the same time, you can use this data to decipher the features of the pages (its design, its content, its user experience) that made them popular, which can be reciprocated in other pages, to improve their popularity as well.
5. Track your conversions – You would generally want your users to take a particular action while they are on your website. It could be signing up in your email list, fill in their contact details, make a purchase, etc.
Google Analytics helps you in tracking these conversions and helps you to make sure that the website is achieving its objectives.
6. Determine the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategies – You may be using different digital marketing strategies to increase the number of visitors to your website to achieve your business objectives.

GA helps you to determine whether your strategies are effective in achieving your business objectives.
It will allow you to gather data, analyze it and then make the required changes in your strategy to better achieve your objectives.
7. It’s easy and free – It is very easy to integrate Google Analytics with different web development platforms and tools.
Most of the popular CMS platforms have integrated options to easily add GA code in the various pages of your website.
And most importantly Google Analytics is free and that means you can make use of all the features of the tool to improve your business without paying anything.
Calpine Group’s digital marketing India team can help you in making sense of Google Analytics data by providing actionable insights to improve your business outcomes.