“Work From Home” and Company values

It is time to discuss a topic of utmost importance in our ever-evolving work landscape – the impact of remote work on company values. In a world where an increasing majority of people are working from home, it’s crucial to reflect on how this shift is influencing the values that underpin our organizations.

Remote work:

As we've witnessed, the global pandemic thrust us into a remote work revolution at an unprecedented scale. While this transition has brought about many benefits and opportunities, it has also raised some challenges, particularly in terms of our company values.

Our company values serve as the moral compass that guides our actions, decisions, and interactions in the workplace. They define who we are as an organization, what we stand for, and what we aspire to achieve. However, with most of our workforce operating remotely, these values can sometimes feel like they are slipping through our fingers. Let us explore how this phenomenon is occurring and why it’s vital to address it.
The challenge of remote work is the absence of physical presence. In the office, employees are constantly reminded of company values through the environment, daily interactions, and workplace culture. Working from home can dilute this experience, making it harder to embody those values.
Effective communication is the lifeblood of a strong company culture. Remote work can disrupt the flow of information and hinder our ability to reinforce our values through regular conversations and face-to-face interactions.
Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection among employees. This can weaken the sense of belonging and shared values that are essential for a vibrant company culture.
The work-from-home setup can blur the lines between professional and personal life. Employees may struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance, impacting their ability to live and breathe our company values outside of the traditional office space.

Work from Office:

What can we do to ensure that our company values remain steadfast, even in this era of remote work? The answer is nothing but asking employees to work from office. 

Working from office creates in-person interactions fostering stronger relationships among team members and encourage spontaneous collaboration. Being physically present in the office for a portion of the week can enhance teamwork and build a sense of camaraderie.
Some tasks, particularly those requiring brainstorming and creative thinking, may benefit from face-to-face discussions. Being in the office can provide an environment that stimulates innovation and creativity through impromptu meetings and discussions.
The office is often a central hub for company culture. Regular in-person interactions allow employees to immerse themselves in the organization’s values, mission, and shared identity, contributing to a more cohesive and unified culture.
Also, for new employees, spending time in the office during the onboarding process can provide valuable in-person training, mentorship, and a chance to absorb the company culture more effectively.

Hybrid work Mode:

The idea of a hybrid work model, where employees split their time between working in the office and remotely, has gained popularity for various reasons. The hybrid mode brings in working from office for few days and working remotely for the remaining days.

Recognizing that individuals have different work preferences is important. Some may thrive in a more traditional office setting, while others may be more productive working remotely. A flexible approach accommodates various working styles.
In a hybrid mode, the general proposal is to work from office for two days. Here are some potential benefits for having people work from the office at least two days in a hybrid mode.
It creates a well-being and work-life balance. A hybrid model that includes some office days can help employees establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. It offers a change of environment and reduces the potential for burnout associated with prolonged remote work.
While a hybrid model encourages some days in the office, it’s crucial to maintain flexibility. Mandating a rigid schedule may counteract the flexibility that makes remote work appealing. Out of the two mandatory working from office days, a day will be mandatory for everyone, and the second day can be choosy for the employee. The fixed day can be a weekly sprint review day or a weekly events day or something that motivates the employees and keep the bonding within the team.
Establishing clear performance metrics and expectations is crucial in a hybrid model. It helps employees understand their responsibilities and ensures that performance is evaluated based on outcomes rather than physical presence.
While remote work has undoubtedly brought many advantages, it also presents us with the challenge of maintaining and reinforcing our company values. Our values are the essence of our identity, and they must continue to guide us, by making our physical presence in the office.

By using a hybrid work mode, we can adapt, communicate, and support our workforce, and can ensure that our values remain the driving force behind our success. A hybrid work model that includes at least two days in the office strikes a balance between the benefits of in-person collaboration and the flexibility of remote work. It can contribute to a well-rounded work experience that meets the diverse needs of employees while supporting organizational goals. Let us remain committed to upholding our values in this new era of work, for it is through these values that we will continue to thrive and lead in an ever-changing world.